
This page will provide you with detailed information regarding parking at Mackenzie Health.

Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital

The North visitor parking lot (our main parking lot) is located on the North side of Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, on the west side of Trench Street, directly across from D-wing, near the Emergency Department. Our South visitor parking lot is located on the south side of the hospital, on the south and east side of A-wing.  Both visitor parking lots are gated.

Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital

Parking for patients with appointment and essential visitors is available in the parking structure and lots at the west side of the hospital. 

Short-term parking 

Short-term parking is available at the south end of the hospital, close to the Main entrance of A-Wing at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Parking here is limited and features a "Pay and Display" ticket system with a one-hour maximum time limit. Passes cannot be used in this area. 

Drop-off area 

A drop-off area is located in front of the Emergency Department entrance at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Please note that there is a 10-minute maximum time limit when picking up and dropping off guests. The drop-off area is monitored regularly by hospital security and vehicles must never be left unattended.

The drop-off areas at Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital are located in front of the Main Entrance on the south side of the building and on the west side near the building.

Accessible parking spaces

Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital

Accessible parking spaces are located within both gated visitor parking lots, as well as in our short-term parking area and within our Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) parking lot at the rear of A-wing. 

Please be advised that parking at Alexander Mackenzie High School (300 Major Mackenzie Dr. W. Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3S3) and at the York-Med Medical Centre (250 Harding Blvd W, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9M7) is not allowed for hospital patients and visitors coming to Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Strict enforcement by the Town of Richmond Hill is in effect and vehicles parked illegally will be tagged and towed away at the owner's expense. 

Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital

Accessible parking spaces are located at all gated visitor parking lots at the hospital.

All vehicles utilizing accessible parking spaces must clearly display a valid Ministry of Transportation accessible parking permit at all times. Cars parked in the accessible parking spaces within our non-gated lots must also display a valid "Pay and Display" proof of payment on the vehicle dash.  

At Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital, parking is not allowed on any of the streets surrounding the hospital, including Frederick Banting Street, Vaughan Healthcare Circle, Wellness Way, Darvish Drive and Observation Avenue. Please obey the “No parking” signs and only park in designated parking areas.


Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital parking map


Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital parking map

 Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital parking map


Patients and visitors can purchase and activate an HPASS card in the Parking Office or by calling (416) 398-4052 ext. 585 during standard business hours.

Registered HPASS cards allow you to track your usages online.

Click on the image below and enter your registered HPASS card number for more details.

HPass logo


  • Each ½ hour - $4.75 (up to a maximum of 2 hours then Daily Maximum rate applies)
  • Daily Maximum - $17.50
  • Day Pass - $22.50 ** (24 Hours, Unlimited In/Out Privileges****)
  • 5 Day H PASS - $43.75 ***(Non-Consecutive Use, Unlimited In/Out Privileges****)
  • 10 Day H PASS - $87.50 *** (Non-Consecutive Use, Unlimited In/Out Privileges****)
  • 30 Day H PASS - $262.50 *** (Non-Consecutive Use, Unlimited In/Out Privileges****)
  • Lost ticket - $17.50
  • Chemotherapy/Dialysis/Mental Health Day Program– $3.50

*Rates are subject to change

** Day passes are available from either the Parking Office, located at the North visitor parking lot entrance at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, in the Parkade at Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital or at any Pay Station.

*** H PASS can be purchased from the Parking Office only.

****In/Out privileges allow you to use the gated North/South visitor parking lot at your discretion, enabling you to enter/exit the parking lot, as you desire during a specified period.

If you have a family member in the Long-Term Care facility (managed by UniversalCare), you may have additional parking options. For more details, please contact Mackenzie Health Long-Term Care Facility, UniversalCare, at 905-883-2442.

You have two options when paying for parking inside the gated visitor parking lots:

  • With a credit card, insert your credit card when entering the lot (as opposed to selecting the "print ticket" option); when exiting the lot, at the gate, insert the same credit card. Your parking purchase will automatically be charged to your credit card.
  • When entering the lot, at the gate, select the "print ticket" option; keep your ticket with you and pay for your parking at the exit by credit card or at one of our Pay Stations prior to exiting the parking lot; payment can be made with debit (in parking office only) or cash/credit card at the paystaion; when exiting the lot, at the gate, insert the paid ticket you received from the Pay Station.

Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital

Pay Station Locations:
North Visitor Lot by Parking Office - 2 Pay Stations
D-Wing Emergency Entrance – 1 Pay Station
C-Wing Main Entrance – 1 Pay Station
Entrance of South Visitor Lot - 1 Pay Station

Pay and Display Pay Station Locations:
CCC Short Term Visitor Lot – 2 Pay Stations
Rear CKD Lot (back of A-Wing) – 1 Pay Station

Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital

Pay Station Locations:
Level 1 – Patient Entrance Vestibule
Level 1 – Emergency Entrance/Waiting Area
Level 1 - Parkade – Across from Parking Office
Level 0 - Parklink
Lot 2 – Staff Lot

Pay and Display Pay Station Locations:
Lot 4 – 2 Pay Stations
Lot 6 – 2 Pay Stations

At Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, the Parking Office is located near the entrance of the North visitor parking lot.

At Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital, the Parking Office is located in the parking structure on the west side of the hospital.

Office hours are:

Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital
Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Feel free to contact the Parking Office at (905) 883-1212 ext. 3070 if you have any questions.

Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital

Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Feel free to contact the Parking Office at (905) 417-2000 ext. 5099 if you have any questions.

Intercom systems are at each entry and exit to assist visitors with parking issues and/or concerns.

For more information about parking at Mackenzie Health, please visit the Precise ParkLink webpages for Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital and Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital.

Parking revenues generate valuable funds for the hospital. We appreciate your support.